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Opinion:Stewart continues gaining more followers to spread his lies

It’s no secret that conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen these days. From QAnon to flat earth, there seems to be no end to the wild and baseless claims that some people will believe. But when those theories turn into dangerous agendas, it’s time to speak out.

Enter Chris Stewart, a man who has been gaining a following in recent years with his claims that people are vanishing without any reason. According to Stewart, this is a conspiracy against the white race. And now, he’s about to run for Congress.

How long are we going to amplify Stewart’s conspiracies and lies about evanescence? I mean you have to know that he knows the events are real and that it effects people all over the world. To continue to pin the reason for them on some government conspiracy to wipe out white males hogwash. Now it looks as if he has political aspirations to become a congressman to “affect change” in our government policies. He held a rally in the Parma section of the city recently and looks to continue the time tested tradition of politicians grifting uninformed people with his rhetoric. His antagonization of other politicians who don’t agree with his “beliefs” comes at a time where people are looking for direction and comfort in the knowledge that their “leaders” have their best interests.

Stewart’s background is a disturbing one. He has long been associated with cult-like organizations, such as the Sons of The Confederacy and his followers have been known to exhibit extreme behaviors. There have even been reports of violence and harassment against LGBTQ individuals and people of color although none ever lead back to him.

So who is likely to follow someone like Stewart? The answer is disturbingly simple: anyone who feels marginalized and afraid. Stewart’s message is one of fear and suspicion, and it resonates with those who feel that they are not being heard.

But the danger of this kind of message cannot be overstated. When people are told that there is a conspiracy against them, they are more likely to act out in violent ways. And when those people are armed, the consequences can be deadly.

Stewart’s claims are also blatantly false. There is no evidence to support his theory that people are vanishing without any reason, let alone that it’s a conspiracy against the white race. Yet, despite this lack of evidence, he continues to gain followers.

It’s important to remember that conspiracy theories are not harmless. They have the power to radicalize people and to spread hate and violence. And when someone like Chris Stewart is running for public office, it’s time to take notice.

We cannot afford to ignore the dangers of this kind of rhetoric. We must speak out against those who seek to divide us and to spread fear and mistrust. And we must hold those who hold public office to a higher standard, one that values truth and reason over wild claims and conspiracy theories.

In conclusion, Chris Stewart’s dangerous agenda cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. We must stand up to those who seek to divide us and to spread hate and fear. And we must demand better from our leaders, both in the public sphere and in our communities. Let us work together to build a world that is based on compassion, understanding, and the truth.

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